Sunday, October 20, 2013

The 3 Key Steps to Increasing Web Traffic

Many bloggers often ask how to increase blog traffic, which is essential to online success. But just as you may be wondering, how can this be done? It’s simple. There are only three key steps you must work on: content production, networking, and promotion. Once you learn the main three, you can remember to integrate them into your daily blogging routine. So let’s delve in a little further and discover how you can reach your true online potential.

1. Content Production:

a) Write how-to’s, lists, guides, tutorials, and resource compilations
b) Set out to publish one link bait/pillar article per week
c) Quality over quantity: don’t post every single day
d) Guest post for other bloggers

2. Networking:

a) Respond to all your emails and questions received
b) Comment on other blogs
c) Link to other bloggers in your niche
d) Use social networking: Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, etc.

3. Promotion:

a) Submit your content to social media sites
b) Tell others in your network about articles you've published
c) Post in online forums and groups and reference your content
d) Link to your guest posts and get your name out there
Increasing blog traffic certainly isn’t difficult, and generally tends to just require a push in the right direction. After you've begun promoting your blog and gotten it off the ground or overcome your recent traffic plateau, much of the work begins to happen for you.